Friday, 29 June 2012

Aquacultured Live Rocks - Saltwater Aquarium

"Aquacultured Live Rocks - Saltwater Aquarium"," Including aqaucultured live rocks in your saltwater aquarium will not only improve the ascetics and natural look of your habitat, but they also improve your water quality.
 The marine life contained within the live rocks filter many pollutants out of the water and help to keep nitrate levels in check.

Algae: There are many different kinds of algae that one may find.
 Algae also provide a saltwater aquarium with natural nitrate removal.
 They come in a number of different shapes, sizes and colors.

Coral: Live rocks may be covered with many different species of corals which all coexist on one rock.
 These filter feeders survive on plankton and other forms of microscopic food.

Crustaceans: Crustaceans come in many different forms, some of which are not welcomed guests in a home aquarium environment.
 These invertebrates act as a cleaning agent within a saltwater aquarium and can remove excess food and unwanted algae from aquacultured live rocks.
 These bottom dwellers scavenge and eat much of the leftovers which make it to your aquarium floor.
 These unique creatures will add a lot of life to a saltwater aquarium.
 They are also known as sea fans.

Mollusk: Most of us know mollusks as clams, muscles, oysters and the like.

Snails: Sea snails do a wonderful job of cleaning up unwanted algae in a saltwater aquarium.

Sponges: Your rock may come with a sea sponge.
 They require a great deal of nutrients which they can find in a natural environment because of consistent nutrition circulation.
 They come in a number of different shapes, sizes, and colors and need a good amount of nutrients to be maintained.

Keywords: Mollusk, snails, sponges, crustaceans, coral, aquacultured rock, algae, sea sponge, saltwater aquarium, marine life




Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Essential Tips On Growing Freshwater Aquarium Plants

Having an aquarium is a good way to beautify a home. It does not only add to the beauty of a home, but it also releases your stress from a long day of work. Aquariums have different sizes and designs, but what make them really beautiful are the fishes and the freshwater aquarium plants that you put inside them. There are different plants that you can choose from for your aquarium but the kind of plant you will be growing will depend on the size of your fish tank and the kind of environment you want to create for your fish tank.

Since there are different varieties of freshwater aquarium plants, you must select the ones which best suit your aquarium and the fishes living in it. There are plants which are leafy and plants which are mainly a moss. There are also plants that serve as food for your fishes. Plants are very advantageous for your pets since they provide oxygen, a place where the fishes can hide and something for them to eat.

Before planting your freshwater plants, it is suggested to make a plan so that the arrangement of the plants in your tank will be exactly as how you plan it to be. You also have to take into consideration the ratio of reproduction and the rate of growth of the plants you bought. Basically you need to keep the larger plants in the background and the smaller ones in the foreground.

Just like plants in land, when you plan to grow freshwater plants you must have fertilizers. Before planting the plants you have purchased to your fish tank, you need to test first the pH and dH level of the water. To do this you need to have a kit which is offered in most fish stores. The ideal dH level of the water is between 4.5 to 12.5, and the right pH level that suits your plants is between 7 and 8. It is also important to see that the water in your fish tank is lucid.

Another thing you need to consider is the supply of sunlight. Plants need photosynthesis to make food on their own, and without adequate amount of sunlight your plants will not grow well. With the proper amount of sunlight and fertilizer, you are able to give your freshwater aquarium plants the right nutrients that they need to grow properly. Sometimes you need to get micro nutrients which you can add to your aquarium to keep the plants and the fishes healthier.


aquarium plants,aquarium maintenance,freshwater aquarium,freshwater aquarium fish,pets,fish tank,pet grooming,plants,water,home improvement

Fishing Charters A Priority For Most Anglers

Anglers around the world recognize that Key West fishing charters have iconic status. They come to the Keys because sun, water, and fish are all in long supply throughout the year. Importantly, the colorful cast of locals adds to the experience since they always have interesting stories to help idle away the hours.

Key West is a small island just three kilometers wide and six kilometers long. It has a strategic location being at the southernmost tip of Florida with a deep harbor near the junction where the warm, shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico meet the chillier waters of Atlantic Ocean.

Sporting anglers have an amazing large range of options. Around the reefs, they can chase snapper, grouper and cobia. Snapper are a particularly popular target since they make good eating.

The sandy, shallow water flats are the natural habitat for bonefish, tarpon and permit. These species are fast, agile and tenacious fighters. They always provide a challenge, even for experienced anglers.

One point worth emphasizing is the conch (pronounced konk), are tightly regulated. Diving for them, or even just picking them off the sea bottom by hand without a permit is illegal throughout the Keys. They are a favourite food in the region but need to be prepared with care. The meat is tough but it can be cut into strips, pounded and then diced into small pieces. The locals consider them somewhat of a gourmet delicacy.

In short, key west fishing charters are unlikely to disappoint fishing enthusiasts wanting to test their mettle. There are plenty of fish around in the Keys. However, on those rare occasions when the fish are not biting, there is no shortage of things to enjoy on the water. Scuba diving and snorkeling are two favorites. Bottlenose dolphins are prolific and swimming and watching these intelligent creatures is always a privilege. The reefs and shoals are a magnet for tropical fish; their number and range is unbelievably large. It is easy to be mesmerized for hours while watching and studying the different species.

keywords: keywest fishing charters, keywest fishing, fishing, florida fishing, keywest, florida

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Fly Fishing

Fly Fishing has been around for ages. Even in medieval times people fished for their food. The sport evolved over the years to become one that requires great skills. Ask any fly fisherman and he will tell you just how addictive it can become.

There are many forms of fishing but fly fishing stands alone for many reasons. Firstly, they use baits and lures to entice a fish but in fly fishing you will need to imitate the action of a real fly to be any good. For that reason we use longer lines, which allows us to imitate the movement of a real fly.

Fly fishing has a constant cast. You cast the fly and then pull it back a number of times to imitate a fly landing and taking off again. In other forms of fishing you cast out and let it rest until a fish takes your bait.

I am not going to deny that all forms of fishing are fun and extremely rewarding but fly fishing is where my heart is.

Fly fishing flies are made from natural materials while other forms of fishing use man made plastics and rubber. Your seasoned fly angler would tell you that the fish are much more likely to go for a naturally made bait and hence why they love it so much.

Of course with other forms of fishing you can simply visit your local pond or river but when fly fishing you will get the best results by traveling to the place where fish such as walleye, bass and trout live. Then it is your job to fool the fish in to believing your fly is real!

You can go all over the World fly fishing. Russia, Mexico and South America, for instance and let's not forget Alaska or Canada. Now, you have to agree that when it comes to an adventure that beats a quick visit to your local pond!

As Chess is often said to be "The King of Sports" it is also often said that fly fishing could make the same boast. Try it, you'll fall in love, hook, line and fly! Corny, I know! I'm an angler not a comedian!

keys: fly fishing, fly fishing tips, fly fishing for beginners, fly fishing knots, fly fishing basics, fly fishing casting, fly fishing knot, fly fishing reel

TedsWoodworking Plans and Projects

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Different Boats Used In Bass Fishing In Orlando

Most people that do bass fishing in Orlando have different types of fishing boats. There is a need to know exactly what the different types have to offer before you think of purchasing one. Price and material are the main characteristics that are used to classify the boats.

As far as cost is concerned, fiberglass boats are the most expensive. They are so called thanks to the hulls that are made from fiber glass. The problem with this is that fiber glass is not too durable. The material is usually heavier than both aluminum and plastic.

The additional facilities that these boats have make them a delight for many fishermen. They typically have a neat cover that can be sued to conceal ones stuff especially when it begins raining. The only thing that might be a limiting factor is that these designs are quite costly.

Aluminum boats are also quite common in this region. They are loved sine they are cheaper than the fiber-glass ones and they are also much lighter. It is easy to transport them since a small trailer can be attached on the back of the car and it easily tags along.

Fiber glass is expensive to repair in the event of a breakage. However, if your aluminum vessel encounters some accident, you can use a hammer to cover up the holes and you will be good to go. The affordable maintenance costs are probably why more fishermen choose it.

Another Bass Fishing in Orlando boat option is the plastic model. Plastic is cheap material so needless to say, it makes the most affordable vessels. In addition to this, plastic is remarkably light which means it is very easy to transport. In fact, you can haul then using a pickup truck or you can attach a small trailer to your salon car and pull them along. Another important advantage is that plastic bounces over hurdles which make it great for avoiding mishaps.

The easiest way to Have a Notable Fishing Trip

There are specific days in the year when a few individuals just have to pack their bags and go fishing. Although a few of the people will claim that fishing is amoug one of the laziest activities you might do on vacations, it is really for those that actually need to enjoy a peaceful holiday as well as learn all about the mysteries of sea. Fishing is by all possible means fun and rousing. Who can forget that urge to catch the biggest fish that you can later enjoy eating back on land by the beach, while watching the nightfall with your acquaintances and family. 

Some of the very necessary tools and fishing equipment that you're going to need to enjoy your trip are given below.

Live bait and frozen bait: Bait is among the most important things to bring when you go fishing. It\'s essential that you take a large stock of live as well as frozen bait with you. A good stock of bait will attract more fish and you'll get more pleasure out of your trip. Certain fish also like particular sorts of bait, so having a large range means that you can choose to target your specific type of fish.

Sleeping bags and tents: If you are planning to spend a weekend by the sea side the following necessary things to bring are your sleeping bag and a tent. Both these will help to guard you from the varying and fickle weather of beach. Take the right amount of tents and sleeping bags according to the number of folks you are taking on the trip.

Cooking equipments and gas equipments: After you've caught your fish you will most definitely be hungry. To cook it you'll need gas (make sure you remember about exchanging and re-filling gas bottles before you leave) and other cooking equipment. This way you can enjoy your tasty meal and the sunset as the water softly laps at the shores.

Coffee Shop Millionaire

The best utilization of vacation is finding something valuable to do and getting the most out of the experience. This is the offer that Kissimmee bass fishing guides are ready to extend and on top of it the benefits of experience. You find value touring the region with them to land at specific sites with incredible rewards in trophy fishing.

You enjoy a comprehensive package that involves among other things picking you up from the hotel you are booked. What follows is a once in a lifetime tour through the lakes that spread like a well laid chain. Only some lakes are rewarding for trophy fishing which makes it necessary enlist the services of an experienced and resourceful person.

The package also includes live baits that will have fish scrambling for your hook. This will build your memories and ensure that the experience and photos you carry home will always remind to return. This is why contact is important from planning so that you know the right things to bring along.

Only the seasoned and well versed guide has the knowledge of the seasonal landscape and how the fish population behaves. You find trust written on every encounter and reliability forming the principle engagement criteria. It is worth noting that no referral have registered disappointment with exceeded expectations in all cases.

Contacts are available online and reservations can be done at your convenience with a guarantee of satisfaction beyond measure. New tricks are taught that make the trip both enjoyable and exiting. Seasonal offers are available and discount for loyalty clients both individuals and those on company get away.

kissimmee bass fishing guides operate both day and night during all seasons and have the interest of your happiness at heart. This comes to you at affordable rates regardless of the level of enjoyment. You will appreciate the place of experience in delivering the best from a region that is years old.

Friday, 22 June 2012

Types of Aquarium Filters - Examining Saltwater Aquarium Filtration Systems

"Types of Aquarium Filters - Examining Saltwater Aquarium Filtration Systems"," An undersized aquarium filter can lead to alot of problems including algae, sick fish and constant problems in the tank.

Types Of Saltwater Aquarium Filtration You Can Use

Hang On Tank- This type of filter hangs on the back of saltwater tanks and uses filter pads to remove debris from the water.
 These filters offer lower flow and there fore should be used on saltwater aquariums nor more then 35 gallons in volume.
 It is basically a pressurized canister that water is forced through and cleaned.
 They come in many sizes and can be used on saltwater tanks up to 180 gallons.

Sump Type Filters-  Often referred to as wet dry filters this is the most expensive and also the most advanced type of saltwater aquarium filtration systems that you can use.
 The filter resembles another aquarium but often has areas for biological filtration, chemical filtration and other equipment like heaters and protein skimmers.
 this type of filtration system can be used on any size tank and is often found on large custom saltwater aquariums.

Banner #2

Starting a Saltwater Fish Aquarium - You Must Read This Saltwater Aquarium Advice

"Starting a Saltwater Fish Aquarium - You Must Read This Saltwater Aquarium Advice"," While the things that a new tank keeper can do wrong is long there is a few common things that most people do that could jeopardize their saltwater fish but are very easy to avoid with some good saltwater aquarium advice.
 This will surely lead to disaster because the tanks nitrifying bacteria has not yet reached high enough levels to neutralize toxic ammonia in the tank.
 If you are using cured  liverock in your tank (which you should be) you can add a fish after a few days.

To make the wait between fish seem shorter buy a good saltwater aquarium guide and study up on some fish you like and narrow down your choices to your favorites.
 While this may make you feel good it is stressing your fish out badly.
 So by letting your tank be and letting your saltwater fish adjust to their new home you will increase your chances at success.
 They will be more tolerant of problems with water quality and often will eat most prepared foods.



Critical Saltwater Aquarium Advice For Keeping Successful Saltwater Fish Aquariums

"Critical Saltwater Aquarium Advice For Keeping Successful Saltwater Fish Aquariums"," But there are a few common things that new tank owners do wrong  to make matters worse.
  The new marine aquarium has a process in place that will naturally make you slow down, this is called the nitrogen cycle.

After adding your first new saltwater fish you must not give into temptation and add to many fish at one time.
 Instead wait about 3 weeks between each fish and you should be safe.
 This adds a lot of stress to the lives of your saltwater fish and can lead to disease or stress related death.

Stick With Easy Fish

Some good saltwater aquarium advice for keepers of new marine aquariums is to try and stick with the easier and more hardy marine species.

A good saltwater aquarium guide should be able to help you with a list of suitable beginner fish for new saltwater fish aquariums.


How To Successfully Switch From Freshwater To Saltwater Aquarium

"How To Successfully Switch From Freshwater To Saltwater Aquarium"," There are a greater variety of fish that can be kept in a saltwater aquarium as also plants and coral too.
 Many people would love to have a saltwater aquarium but the myths of switching from fresh to saltwater dissuades them from doing so.
 Most of the equipment is the same with just a few exceptions to the rule.
 Saltwater aquarium fish prefer a substrate composed of live sand and a lot of crushed coral as opposed to the gravel that freshwater fish are used to.
 Remember that the water filtering system works on the principle of circulating water through the tank.

Lighting in the saltwater tank is of importance only if you are planning to add plants and coral to the tank.
 A common mistake many aquarium enthusiasts make while converting from freshwater to saltwater is to add a little table salt to the water.
 This will kill the coral and plants as well as the fish.

When you transit from a freshwater tank to a salt water tank go to the pet store and get some substrate from the saltwater tanks there.
 the salinity must read between 1.

You must also remember that saltwater causes a lot of rusting to occur in the tank and do you should be ready to regularly clean out tank equipment at least twice a month.

Feeding saltwater fish is very different from feeding freshwater fish.
 Never keep frozen food in your freezer for more than 3 months.
 It might sound like a lot of work to maintain a saltwater aquarium, however, once you are there you will discover that the joys are many and the work is not too much.


Banner #2

Saltwater Aquariums And The Challenge To Maintain Them

"Saltwater Aquariums And The Challenge To Maintain Them"," This is due to saltwater aquariums supporting a more complex ecosystem, which need more patience and expertise to master.

Some saltwater aquariums need separate provisions for lighting, hood and stand.
 Many of the most popular saltwater aquariums will have a capacity ranging from 30 gallons up to 60 gallons.

However, it is wise to keep in mind that the smaller tanks tend to require more maintenance and care.

One of the key factors in the maintaining of a saltwater aquarium is the necessity to ensure the proper environmental conditions.
 Other points to monitor include the PH level, alkalinity and the oxygen levels.
020 and 1.

It is advisable to add living rock into your saltwater aquarium.
 Detrivores feed on any biological waste thus maintaining the necessary ecological balance.
 Bristle worms also act as scavengers and are totally harmless.
 With the development in new filters it is gradually becoming easier to maintain salt water aquariums.
 Hang-on filters are able to assist in the chemical and mechanical filtration whereas refugium helps in biological filtration.
 It is advisable to have some sort of experience before setting one up.

Darren Lintern is the author and owner of Aquarium Supplies World.
aquarium supplies world.
php], Gravel, Heaters, Lights and other Aquarium supplies for a vibrant thriving Aquarium.



Questions Asked About Saltwater Aquariums

"Questions Asked About Saltwater Aquariums"," If you want to put one of these in your home or business, you probably have a lot of questions about owning one of these aquariums.

 Actually it is about the same effort as keeping a freshwater aquarium.
 The really only thing different is you need to do a specific gravity test to measure the salt content of the water.
 Will it take a lot of time to maintain the tank?

Actually the most time is needed in setting up the aquarium.
 Time will depend on the tank size and your experience level.
 Is it expensive to develop an aquarium like this?

Saltwater aquariums are a little more pricier than freshwater aquariums.

 The tank needs to be away from any windows to prevent the sunlight from producing algae and altering the waters temperature.

If this is your first tank it is best to get a large tank.

Fish Only - This is the easiest saltwater tank to keep.

Fish Only With Live Rock (FOWLR) - Live rock aquariums have rock that have bacteria and microorganisms that provide a beneficial benefit to your aquarium.

Reef Aquariums - Are similar to FOWLR but are more difficult to keep because they contain live coral that is difficult to keep.



Saltwater Aquarium Kits in Detail

"Saltwater Aquarium Kits in Detail"," This way, you'll know beforehand which aquarium kits are suitable.
 With eclipse systems filter and lights are greatly emphasized as the proper filtration and lighting needs to be properly selected.
 One of these is the Eclipse System 12 Instant Ocean Aquarium Kit, which is an all-in-one aquarium kit.
 Eclipse aquarium systems can be easily installed and maintained, so setting it up wouldn't be too much of a problem at all!

· SeaClear System II Aquarium Combo Systems.
 These systems are comprised of a wet/dry filtration system that's incorporated at the back of the aquarium.
 Their sized could range from 30 to 50 gallons and are also equipped with lighting.
 But the interesting part about it is that it can be improved if you would prefer to include a protein skimmer or additional lighting for corals and invertebrates.
 It's highly suitable for housing sizable fish and invertebrates.
 An ample space is needed since this system's filtration hangs on the back of the aquarium.
 This system also gives the hobbyist the opportunities for more intense lighting, protein skimmer and a water chiller as well.
 If you're planning on putting up a much larger saltwater aquarium or a greater number of smaller species, you could always go for the Super system Aquarium kits.
 It's equipped with a BIO-wheel and can be upgraded to include a protein skimmer, UV sterilizer, ozone reactor, or calcium reactor.
 But before you make a choice, always remember to research what your aquaria needs, the location and the necessary resources that go with it.


Starting a Saltwater Aquarium

"Starting a Saltwater Aquarium - Picking a Saltwater Aquarium"," The truth is that the saltwater aquariums, while acquiring more of an investment, will provide you with a beautiful display of the ocean ecosystem and once in place will be no more difficult to maintain that a freshwater aquarium.
 An important rule to remember is that the bigger your saltwater aquarium is the better, not because of shear size but because a larger tank will be more forgiving when it comes to mistakes.
 It is also important to remember that saltwater fish require more space than freshwater fish.

After choosing your tank size you will be able to make educated decisions concerning the rest of the equipment for your saltwater aquarium.
 You will want to be sure that if you are going to have "live rocks," or rocks that have been transplanted from an ocean environment, you will want a good filtration system.
 Again, a 55 gallon tank is the best size to start with because it will enable you to make some mistakes while still developing your saltwater ecosystem.
 For example, a filtration system may effect the Alkalinity of the water.
 A log will most certainly be a beneficial tool as you begin developing your aquarium.


Tips in Setting-Up a Saltwater Aquarium

"Tips in Setting-Up a Saltwater Aquarium"," These aquariums can hold fish, amphibians, invertebrates, aquatic plants, and marine mammals.
 A saltwater aquarium is harder to maintain because marine fishes and other saltwater life are more delicate to maintain.

A saltwater aquarium is more appealing, colorful, and beautiful.
 You can also keep several colored reef fishes for a more natural effect.
 Several popular saltwater aquarium fishes include the angelfish, comical blenny, blue lined triggerfish, damsels, and the clown fish.
 Water from these saltwater aquariums tend to evaporate and leaves behind only the salt.

There are two types of hydrometers used by aquarists.
 The other one comes with a tube and a separate needle around 3/8 inches in diameter.
 It is placed inside a narrow plastic container.
 This is right onto the graduation marked on the container and stopping at the relevant SG.
 Then, clean your tank with 1 teaspoon of pure bleach for every 5 gallons of water.
 Rinse them with clean water.
 Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully.
 Then, put the plants inside, securing the bottoms in the substrate.

Using your hydrometer, add some salt.
 Start your filter system.
 Most of the marine fishes are healthy in 70 and 80 degrees.
 Then add the fish you bought in the pet shop when the tank temperature is within the limits and the chemical levels are all sanctioned.
 it is very necessary to marine fishes.
 Make sure you do not buy the big one because it can cause a whirlpool effect.
 This is also important for your marine tank.
 You will also need an external air pump and water pump for your skimmer.



Beauty Of A Saltwater Aquarium

"Enjoy The Beauty Of A Saltwater Aquarium","  Knowing the difference between the two with respect to cost, maintenance, etc.

Setting up a freshwater aquarium is cheaper and maintenance is easier than a saltwater aquarium.

Freshwater fish are overall more adaptable than marine fish.
  Temperature, nitrate, salinity, ammonia and pH always have to be at the appropriate levels.
  Marine plants are also pricier because harvesting is more difficult.
  After a while, you will have a beautiful tank, excellent for soothing the senses and relieving stress.
  To ensure proper salinity in your saltwater aquarium, a hydrometer is necessary, but also inexpensive.

Whatever aquarium you have, always buy good quality commercially prepared foods and never overfeed your fish.
  Pathogenic organisms could be introduced into your tank, so it is advisable to keep away from live foods.
  Quite a number of fish are not suitable for captivity.
  Buy from a reputable dealer, do your homework before you buy and avoid buying species that will not do well in captivity.
  Some fish also tend to bully others.
  Should you notice aggressive behavior, you must be prepared to separate fish.

As an example of an exotic fish, many people think of the Moorish Idol as an ideal aquarium fish.
  It is better to settle for the nearly identical Banner fish, which will live a long and happy life in captivity if given proper care.
  If you establish a routine, you should be able to relax and admire your aquarium at any time.
  Check fish for any signs of problems

Weekly: Check pH and other levels.
 Check equipment such as heater, etc.
 Check lighting equipment, etc.
  Aerate well and check all levels before adding to tank.


Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Avoid Disease in Your Aquarium

"Avoid Disease in Your Aquarium"," There is a natural balance that fish like between water, plants, aeration and quality of water.

Out of Balance

However there are many simple reasons why your tank may move out of balance, causing stress to the fish and encouraging disease in the tank:

* The introduction of a new fish

* Too many fish

* Too little air circulation

* Too small a surface area

* Introduction of new plants

* Poor maintenance regime giving poor water quality.
 Neglecting the appropriate tank maintenance and partial water changes will allow toxins to build up in the water, basically polluting your fish's environment.

However, there are many diseases that can affect your aquarium fish and once your tank is infected, there's a good change that all your fish will get sick.
 If you don't do these two things your tank is liable to fail.

Stressed tropical fish give out some tell tale signs you can be on the look out for including:

·         Rubbing themselves against the gravel or aquarium décor

·         Hiding in the corner or under plants or rocks all the time

·         Floating at an angle with their fins close to they body

·         Any growths or white fuzzy spots.

Keep your aquarium in balance and it will help you enjoy beautiful healthy fish for years to come.

Coffee Shop Millionaire

Monday, 18 June 2012

Find Out All the Amazing Secrets of Creating a Home For Your Goldfish

"Find Out All the Amazing Secrets of Creating a Home For Your Goldfish"," You have to decide on the size of the tank as well as where do you want to keep your aquarium.
 Apart from the angle of interior decoration, you need to keep in mind several very practical points:

Is there enough room in the aquarium?

Make sure there is because you will need to move around it while cleaning it.
 Don't put it on a shelf, as you would need to check the top of the aquarium for water changes and lighting.

Are there electrical sockets nearby?

You will need to have electrical outputs near the aquarium to run the filter and the air pump.
 The wires should be out of view but the switches should be accessible.

Is your aquarium getting in the way?

You do not want to keep your Goldfish tank near a doorway or any place, where there is too much disturbance, as in people passing by, doors slamming shut, etc.
 They are overall placid things and need some peace and quiet.

Is it in a place where you can change the water easily?

You will need to change the water in your aquarium once a month, so make sure you also have convenient access to a sink, and a faucet.

Can whatever furniture you are putting in the aquarium withstand its weight?

An aquarium can get quite heavy once it is filled up with water.
 Consider buying an aquarium stand that would keep it level.


How to Clean Your Fish Tank - The Secret is Easier Than You Think

"How to Clean Your Fish Tank - The Secret is Easier Than You Think","  The Golden Alae eater has distinct Gill openings that most fish don't have.
  They clean the gravel and the sides of the tank.
  These fish are tropical when they are young and become semi-aggressive as they mature.

Obviously Algae Eaters eat the algae in your fish tank.
  They don't just clean the algae from the aquarium.
  Algae eaters are usually placed in larger fish tanks and aquariums because they are like mini carps that clean and scrub the algae from the tank keeping the tank clean looking.
  Algae eaters should be fed twice a day.
  Make sure you clean out the left over food when the feeding is over for the Algae eaters.

Other Common Algae Eaters are Flying Fox, Siamese Flying Fox, Otocinclus, and Plecostomus.


Feeding your Fish

"Feeding your Fish"," Just as in our own lives this means a good variety of food is better than a constant stream of one source.
 But in an aquarium environment, some compromises are necessary.
 Aquatics worms, crustaceans and insect larvae, green plant matter, and algae are good additions to the several flake products that are around.

You also need to know how much food to give your fish and how often you must feed them.
  One rule of thumb is that you should give them enough food that can be eaten in 2 minutes, and do this 2 - 3 times a day - little and often is good.

If you go on holiday, fish can generally last a week without food before any harm comes to them, however two weeks is too long.

Variety is the spice of life - to fish also - so a good wholesome variety will leave your fish much more healthy and active.


TedsWoodworking Plans and Projects

Discus Fish Secrets and Care

"Discus Fish Secrets and Care"," They're not the easiest to look after but I'm sure having them and watching them is worth every time and effort.
 When it comes to feeding, these fish behave differently compared to other exotic species.
 A lot of aquarists would tell you that these fish are not greedy and they always seem to eat slowly.
 As we all know, your fish's survival depends on the quality of water that they live at.
 If you want to decorate the tank with plants, opt for live or silk plants.
 Discus fish require higher temperature than other tropical fish.
 Since they need clean water, the next thing you want to pay close attention to is filtration.
 Know what type of filter suits your fish the best.
 What are the things you need to know when picking out a fish? While it's true that you have to look for Discus fish with perfectly round bodies and small bright eyes, there is simply more to it than that.
 Don't get those ones that tend to hang at the back and hide.
 Always check for twisted mouths, irregular shaped tails, strange or big eyes and other genetic defects that can be results of poor breeding.

About fish "The Absolute Tropical Fish Secrets Guide"

About fish "The Absolute Tropical Fish Secrets Guide"," You see, tropical fish aren't just like any ordinary fish, they're temperament, meaning that they're used to warmer climates, be it within saltwater or freshwater rivers and oceans. Because of this, tropical fish can be an absolute delight to watch within the fish tank, however on the same token, they also require more care and nurturing in order to ensure they live happy and healthy lives, which will ultimately lead to your enjoyment. For starters, tropical fish enjoy certain types of lighting as opposed to ordinary fish. Knowing when to feed your tropical fish is another trick of the trade. The best strategy however is to feed your tropical fish at the same consistent times, varying them slightly depending upon the time of day and even the outdoor weather and lighting. These include certain types of tropical fish that just don't get on with other types. Some species and breeds of fish may even go so far as to eat their smaller counterparts. All it takes is one mistake to break the natural aqua cycle of your tropical fish environment, causing all your hard work to come to a complete halt. STOP WASTING TIME CLICK HERE AND LEARN ABOUT FISH 

Scooter Blenny and Other Difficult Marine Fish

"Scooter Blenny and Other Difficult Marine Fish"," I' have seen the strangest fish being imported that i know will probably never sell.

Unfortunately they also bring in some very common fish that do extremely poorly in our aquariums.

Scooter Blenny

While somewhat drab looking with their overall white and brown markings on their bodies, they are still brought in with great regularity.

They eat any small crustaceans they can get their hands on like copepods and munnid isopods and any other small life forms in the sand substrate and around the rock.
 Only those with large established aquariums manage to keep them with successfully.
 They have a highly compressed body like that of the surgeonfish and they possess a distinctive dorsal fin that when erect, looks like a spike.
 They feed only on one thing.
 Which means keeping them alive would mean deep pockets to spend on live corals as food.

Mandarin Goby

The difficulties in caring for the mandarin goby are very similar to its cousin, the scooter blenny.
 However, it should be noted that with persistent effort, you can get them to feed on frozen foods most of the time.


Tips to Set Up a New Salt Water Tank the Right Way and Avoid Dead Fish and Algae

"Tips to Set Up a New Salt Water Tank the Right Way and Avoid Dead Fish and Algae"," But the right information can make it seem much less difficult and intimidating.

Planning a New Salt Water Tank Is Easy With These Tips

Take the time and read about the saltwater fish that you have an interest in keeping in your aquarium.
 Skipping fish like these will help you avoid problems down the road.
 In order to figure an accurate cost figure on spending around $25 per gallon for a complete saltwater aquarium system.
 A larger aquarium will offer more thermal and chemical stability for your saltwater fish.

After you have your tank you need to buy a properly sized filter unit for your salt water tank.
 Using cheaply made or under powered filters will normally lead to major problems down the road like algae and disease.
 Larger tanks may need canister filters or sump style filters in order to keep your water quality good and your fish healthy.


Marine Velvet

"Marine Velvet"," They are Marine Velvet and Marine ich.
 Parasites are a natural occurrence in the wild and mother nature has provided a myriad of ways for fish to overcome them.
 Such is not the case in a closed system like our beloved marine aquariums. 

What is Marine velvet? Marine velvet is a parasitic dinoflagellate that also has photosynthetic capabilities - a deadly combination to be sure.
 Most of them are photosynthetic while others a parasitic in nature.
 The scientific name of the specific dinoflagellate we are dealing with is Amyloodinium Ocellatum.
 While Marine ich can be seen with the naked eye, marine velvet is smaller (sugar sized) and needs careful inspection to detect it.

Once they are released into the water column, they require fish to survive.
 While ich must find prey within 24 hours to survive, marine velvet can live up to two weeks before finally dying.


Three Easy to Keep Saltwater Fish That Will Thrive in Your Saltwater Aquarium

"Three Easy to Keep Saltwater Fish That Will Thrive in Your Saltwater Aquarium"," Saltwater fish in this category are often less expensive and can resist disease much more then some of the other delicate species of fish available.
 They are so durable that people used to use  them to cycle new tanks because they could handle the toxic ammonia better then any other fish.
 To play it safe you may want to stick with the yellow tail blue damsel.
 Stay away from the Domino, three striped and the blue devil damsel.

Clown fish- Clown fish are very easy to keep saltwater fish and are extremely popular.

Some of the popular members of this family are the Ocellaris, Percula, Maroon and The Clarki to name a few.

Basslets- The basslets have some very cool members that are super colorful and will  make a nice addition to any saltwater aquarium.
 All are peaceful fish that like rock overhangs and will usually leave most tank mates alone.


Purple Firefish - One of the Most Beautiful Fish

"Purple Firefish - One of the Most Beautiful Fish"," Their white to yellowish body gradually becomes grayish towards the caudal fin.
 Although commonly mistaken to belong to a family of gobies, this is actually a dartfish, commonly known as Decorated Firefish or Decorated Dartfish.
 The reason for this behavior is because this species of fish is commonly a plankton eater in the wild.
 This is to ensure that their colors would stay beautiful and vibrant.
 To encourage them to eat artificially prepared food, introduce the food slowly, changing every now and then until they are enticed to eat.
 Once they are paired, they are highly monogamous and will occasionally breed, depending upon the tank's condition.
 It is highly important that you keep a tight lid on your salt-water tank for this fish can jump right out of the tank.
 Make sure that the aquarium is kept optimally and the fish in the tank are not very aggressive.
 It needs at least a tank size of about 20 gallons so it would have some ample space to swim.
 Although it is generally described as a fish highly tolerant to disease, it may still suffer some infection that can contaminate your tank.


Want to Keep a Beautiful Fish in Your Tank? Try the Dottyback

"Want to Keep a Beautiful Fish in Your Tank? Try the Dottyback"," It is also one of the hardiest fish to keep in your salt-water tank, and requires very little care once established.
 It may take in miniatures as hiding places, but crevices in rocks are much more suitable for it resembles more of its natural habitat.
 Your tank should be kept about 75-78 degrees with a pH of 8.
4 (alkaline).
 Corrals and plants can also be added in your biotope to provide places for your fish to lay its eggs along with your rock formation.
 It will not tolerate meek, mild-mannered, slow-moving fish in the tank.
 If you love your shrimp, you may want to reconsider if you are considering on adding this in your tank.
 Give them a selection of food to promote their colors such as mysis shrimp, enriched brine shrimp, seafood, or other frozen preparations designed to care for marine fish.
 It is advised that the fish be quarantined for 2 weeks before being added to the tank.


Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Up a Saltwater Aquarium

"Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Up a Saltwater Aquarium"," Many of these people will be met with failure because they will make some common mistakes that will ultimately doom their new marine aquarium.
 The good news is that they are easy to avoid and do not require any additional money to carry out.
 By nature saltwater fish are territorial and will fight if space is limited.

Moving Too Fast- Impatience is another way to give yourself major problems when setting up a saltwater aquarium. 
 Take your time and add fish slowly waiting about two weeks between additions.
Because uneaten fish food will breakdown into nitrates and phosphates and fuel algae growth you must make sure that your saltwater fish eat all the food you add to the tank.


Types of Saltwater Aquarium Algae and the Algae Eating Aquarium Fish That Eat Them

"Types of Saltwater Aquarium Algae and the Algae Eating Aquarium Fish That Eat Them"," While most algae problems can be traced back to poor tank care and improper setups there are algae eating aquarium fish that can help you come out a winner in your battle against saltwater aquarium algae.
 This rarely gets out of control and what little does grow can easily be taken care of with snails.

Hair Algae-  Hair is probably the most common and most frustrating saltwater aquarium algae to deal with.
 Some of the common fish that are used to eat hair algae are the yellow tang and the lawn mower blenny.
 For smaller system use the lawnmower blenny.

Bubble Algae-  Bubble algae is very common in saltwater tanks and reef aquariums that use live rock.
 This docile crab will eat the bubble about 50% of the time and has a docile nature and poses no real threat to other tank mates like some crabs often do.


Custom Saltwater Aquariums - Essential Equipments

"Custom Saltwater Aquariums - Essential Equipments"," The experts responsible for designing these aquariums bring into physical form the tanks that people have in their minds.

Saltwater aquariums can be of different types such as fish only tanks, reef tanks and shark lagoons.
 The advantage of using these substrates is that they tend to buffer the water and create a more stable environment.
 Whether a standard filtration system is used or an upgraded one, adding some extra water circulation to your custom saltwater aquariums is a good idea.
 The filtration system should break the surface of the water to get oxygen.
 However, the lighting system will require an upgrade if you have a reef tank.
 A combination of fresh, frozen and live food should be provided to them.

Water: For the first fill, Nitrate free water is recommended.
 This is not true, because the nitrifying bacteria present I both type of waters are not the same.
 There are several different rands of salt that can be used in custom saltwater aquariums, with all salts being basically similar to each other.