"Avoid Disease in Your Aquarium"," There is a natural balance that fish like between water, plants, aeration and quality of water.
Out of Balance
However there are many simple reasons why your tank may move out of balance, causing stress to the fish and encouraging disease in the tank:
* The introduction of a new fish
* Too many fish
* Too little air circulation
* Too small a surface area
* Introduction of new plants
* Poor maintenance regime giving poor water quality.
Neglecting the appropriate tank maintenance and partial water changes will allow toxins to build up in the water, basically polluting your fish's environment.
However, there are many diseases that can affect your aquarium fish and once your tank is infected, there's a good change that all your fish will get sick.
If you don't do these two things your tank is liable to fail.
Stressed tropical fish give out some tell tale signs you can be on the look out for including:
· Rubbing themselves against the gravel or aquarium décor
· Hiding in the corner or under plants or rocks all the time
· Floating at an angle with their fins close to they body
· Any growths or white fuzzy spots.
Keep your aquarium in balance and it will help you enjoy beautiful healthy fish for years to come.
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