Monday, 18 June 2012

Discus Fish Secrets and Care

"Discus Fish Secrets and Care"," They're not the easiest to look after but I'm sure having them and watching them is worth every time and effort.
 When it comes to feeding, these fish behave differently compared to other exotic species.
 A lot of aquarists would tell you that these fish are not greedy and they always seem to eat slowly.
 As we all know, your fish's survival depends on the quality of water that they live at.
 If you want to decorate the tank with plants, opt for live or silk plants.
 Discus fish require higher temperature than other tropical fish.
 Since they need clean water, the next thing you want to pay close attention to is filtration.
 Know what type of filter suits your fish the best.
 What are the things you need to know when picking out a fish? While it's true that you have to look for Discus fish with perfectly round bodies and small bright eyes, there is simply more to it than that.
 Don't get those ones that tend to hang at the back and hide.
 Always check for twisted mouths, irregular shaped tails, strange or big eyes and other genetic defects that can be results of poor breeding.

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