Thursday, 7 June 2012

Brightening Colorful Marine Life - Freshwater Aquarium Lighting

"Brightening Colorful Marine Life - Freshwater Aquarium Lighting"," Depending on the need for an artificial lighting and your aquarium specifications, you might need a specific type of lighting for your fish tank.
 They use up energy far too high compared to their luminal output, and produce too much heat to make them suitable lighting for the inside of an aquarium.

Fluorescent lighting is the standard de facto type of freshwater aquarium lighting that you can use for your fish tanks.
 There are several types of fluorescent lamps that you can use for your aquarium, including the new generation compact fluorescent lamps that offer intense lighting capabilities of very high output (VHO) fluorescent bulbs without their short life span.
 Their luminosity is so intense that they can even simulate the sun's bright yellow light, and are perfect for replicating actual marine habitat sceneries.
 If your fish tank has a relatively deeper water level than the average aquarium, then you may choose a light source that is brighter and probably more focused, in order to keep the light's luminosity as it goes deeper into your aquarium.
 Don't worry: you only need to replace it once in a while.

For fish tanks with live plants, it is generally desirable to have lighting with a minimum wattage of 4 watts per tank gallon.

Ways to install Artificial Lighting Effectively

Hobbyists just usually place the bulb at a general area overhead to scatter the light evenly across the fish tank.
 Additionally, you should go further than just putting the light there and turning it on until the light bulb wears off.

Marine life can get stressed quickly if they are subjected to light for a time longer than the light of the sun in a day would usually take.
 So, in simulating the effects of day and night on a fish tank, not only are you able to get that realistic feel of natural marine life, but you can also make the fish and plants inside the aquarium feel at home, just as if they were living in their natural habitat.


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