"What You Should Know About Tropical Fish Species"," When they set up an aquarium, they don't worry about all the different types of tropical fish species; they just get the fish that look good, put them all in the same tank, and assume everything will be great.
Some varieties are very aggressive, some are shy and docile, and while the majority fall somewhere in between getting the wrong mix of aggressive and non-aggressive pets can be a complete disaster.
But, there's no need to feel overwhelmed.
Keep reading for some of that general information.
These fish are considered to be dominant, and they are aggressive and often pick fights with other tropical fish species.
You will also need enough larger rocks, decorations, and vegetation to give your fish plenty of places to hide.
Many types of the cichlid tropical fish species, however, are very shy and docile and steps should be taken to keep them separated from any aggressive fish.
These fish will not mix well with bully fish and may be injured by the more aggressive fish in the tank.
If you aren't sure if the type of fish you want to add to your collection is appropriate for your tank then you should be sure to address any questions about fish with the pet store attendant, or do some research online.
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