Sunday, 30 September 2012

Pest Profile: Mosquitoes

"Pest Profile: Mosquitoes"," Suddenly, you're swarmed by tiny vampires, and you can't run inside quickly enough.
 It doesn't have to be that way: you can live mosquito free all summer long with a little help from your professional exterminator.
 Adult mosquitoes of both genders feed on nectar and plant juices.
 The eggs hatch into larvae, which feed on decaying material in the water they live in.
 Adult mosquitoes generally live close to the ground, leaving only to feed and breed.

Why They're Pests

The females of many mosquito species require the nutrients found in blood to be able to produce eggs.
 Because they are such determined and skilled blood hunters, mosquitoes seem to just beeline for us when we step outside.

What Diseases and Parasites Do They Carry?

Among the diseases and parasites mosquitoes carry are:
West Nile Virus
Yellow Fever
Dengue Fever

These are not the only diseases mosquitoes carry that can infect humans, just the worst.
 In addition to infecting humans, mosquitoes can also infect animals with some of the above mentioned diseases.

Mosquito Prevention

There are a few things that homeowners can do to ensure that they won't have a mosquito problem in their yard.
 Seek out any stagnant water, even small puddles, and drain it.
 In addition to removing breeding grounds, have a consultation with a professional exterminator about prevention methods and strategic applications that can be made be a licensed professional to reduce mosquito populations.


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Saturday, 15 September 2012

Aquaculture Profile - Bubble Tip Anemone

"Aquaculture Profile - Bubble Tip Anemone"," Its scientific name is Entacmaea Quadricolor, but it also goes by the name bulb anemone, rose bubble tip anemone, green bubble tip anemone or just bubble tip anemone.
 The bubble tip anemones comes in a variety of color morphs including but not limited to, brown, green, red and pink.
In the aquarium, the bubble tip anemone is one of the easier anemones to keep.
Water Flow - BTA's should have enough flow to constantly move there tentacles.
 It is very important to protect your anemone from powerheads and overflows, as they can find there way into the tightest of places.
 Anemones like a little bit of nitrate in the water, say around 10ppm, but not too much more than that.
026 specific gravity.
 This is really important, you need to provide the BTA with a place to hide out when it wants, if you do this, the anemone will usually reward you with being open most of the time.
 With time they will adapt to their new lighting, but it can take a couple of weeks for an anemone to fully acclimate, do not try to interfere with the anemones placement, they have a mind of there own.
 Anemones obtain most of there nutrients from eating pieces of fish or shrimp.
 Nothing will make your anemone thrive more than regular weekly feedings, some times 2 feedings per week.
 If you would like to improve your odds even further, buy an aquacultured bubble tip anemone.
Bubble tip anemones commonly reproduce in the aquarium by means of asexual reproduction.
 The clones will usually heal in about 2 weeks.
 The cut must be made precisely through the mouth and foot.
 Under Ideal conditions with a perfectly healthy bubble tip anemone, they can be cloned every 4-6 weeks.
This is the first in a series of articles that will highlight marine species and there sustainability in the decorative marine aquaculture industry.

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Wednesday, 12 September 2012

"How Much Will a Saltwater Aquarium Cost to Setup? The Cost of Setting Up Saltwater Tanks Examined",

"How Much Will a Saltwater Aquarium Cost to Setup? The Cost of Setting Up Saltwater Tanks Examined"," Most people think that it will take a lot of money and this keeps them away from the hobby.

How Much Will a Saltwater Aquarium Cost To Setup

While figuring out your marine aquarium setup to the penny would be pretty tough you can get a very close estimate of  the overall cost by using a cost per gallon factor.

If you are setting up a reef aquarium the added equipment can drive this number to around $35 per tank gallon.

The above prices will give you a good estimate and should get you a tank that is completely set up ready to go with a basic fish or two.

How Much To Maintain My Saltwater Aquarium

The cost involved to take care of marine aquariums will be different for each tank.
50-$1 per tank gallon to run and maintain.
50-$2 per tank gallon in operating and maintenance costs each month.


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Tips For Setting Up a Saltwater Aquarium the Right Way So Your Marine Fish Thrive

"Tips For Setting Up asaltwater Aquarium the Right Way So Your Marine Fish Thrive"," But with the right advice and information setting up a saltwater aquarium can be a enjoyable and easy task.

Important Planning Tips For New Saltwater Tanks

Research the fish you think you will want to keep in your system before you buy your tank.

After you know what kind of saltwater fish you want to keep see how much space you have in your home for your new saltwater tank and also how much money you have to spend on the system.

Buy the largest tank you can afford and comfortably fit in your home.
 You will also have more fish choices available with a larger tank then you would with a smaller system.
 Do not try and cut corners here because inferior products or undersized filter units will lead to algae, dead fish and more money being spent to correct the problem in the future.
 And for very large tanks over 75 gallons a sump style filter maybe needed to properly filter your water and keep your marine fish healthy.


Saltwater Aquarium Care - Hidden Dangers to Avoid When Doing Saltwater Aquarium Maintenance

"Saltwater Aquarium Care - Hidden Dangers to Avoid When Doing Saltwater Aquarium Maintenance"," But what many people do not realize is that there are dangers that you must avoid when doing saltwater aquarium maintenance.
 While all of these items are designed to not transmit electricity into the water nothing is 100%.

Bacterial Danger- A saltwater aquarium is full of bacteria, some is harmless and useful to the tank.
 To avoid coming into contact with the bacteria always use rubber gloves when doing your aquarium maintenance and always wash your hands with anti bacterial soap and hot water after cleaning your salt water tank.
 To avoid this danger use caution when doing performing saltwater aquarium care if your tank houses aggressive fish like trigger fish or venomous fish like lion fish.
 Or you can make a plastic tank divider to keep them away from the side of the aquarium yo are working on.
 These types of  decorations have very sharp edges that can cut you very easily.
