Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Popular Discus Types

"Popular Discus Types"," If you typed discus fish into Google you would likely be astonished at the diversity and vibrancy of these fish.

Discus fish are brightly coloured with a striking shape that resembles a compact disc or Olympic discus.
 Discus care can be tricky though and discus are one of the hardest to care for in a home environment.
 The terms wild and cultivated refer to where they came from, natural environments or by cross-breeding.
 His was the Heckel Discus.
 The descriptively named Green Discus come in a wide variety of greens with either stripes or spots down their side.
 These aren't the most inspiring to look at, with their dull dark brown hue and just the odd flecks of colouring.
 If brown isn't for you, the Blue Discus are the same fish but, with a powerful blue colouring.
 The Albino Discus with its amazingly white body and alluring red eyes, is actually the most recent addition to the cultivated discus types.
 With a luscious blue colouring over its entire body, it also boasts much slimmer fins than other discus.

Discus come in different varieties, both wild and cultivated.
 The tank size is important with discus fish due to the size they can grow, so aim for one that is medium to large.
 The water there is called blackwater, due to its look and consistency.
 The water should be reasonably hot all the time.
 To avoid parasites, it is better to stick to the specialist food available at fish and pet stores.
 If you do choose discus types for your aquarium, you will not be disappointed.

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Thursday, 29 November 2012

Singer Island Sands Replaced After Tropical Storm Noel

"Singer Island Sands Replaced After Tropical Storm Noel",

After devastating The Dominican Republic and Haiti, claiming 143 lives and causing untold damage throughout the island, tropical storm Noel moved onto Florida and worked its way up the east coast.

Many exclusive buildings including condominiums, hotels and other real estate were affected as sand around them was simply washed away by the storm.
 It was gripping TV as viewers across the US were able to witness at first hand the sheer power of the tropical storm.
 Less than a month after the storm heavy machinery was on the beach meticulously replacing the sand washed away by Noel.

Although that may seem an expensive short-term solution Governor Charlie Crist estimates that each dollar spent replacing the sand will generate eight more in tourism revenues for the area.

"I'm not a scientist," said Grist, ""but it looks like jetties provide a longer term solution.
" The work on that long-term solution has already started at Jupiter Beach and is expected to take one month.



The Wholesale World of Tropical Fish and the Dedicated Folks Who Bring Them to You

"The Wholesale World of Tropical Fish and the Dedicated Folks Who Bring Them to You"," Most pet stores buy their fish from wholesalers, who get their fish and other animals from fish farms around the world.

Years ago, I knew one such wholesale dealer.
 is located on Lloyd Road in Willowick, Ohio (a suburb of Cleveland.
 It is more fascinating than a zoo, and all the creatures are well cared for.
 Walking down aisle after aisle of huge aquariums, it is fun to see the different breeds and sizes of their fish.
 started his fish business in the basement of his house.
 He then moved into a bigger location, and it just kept growing.

What exactly does a wholesaler do? Retail stores buy livestock from the wholesaler, who then delivers the merchandise to them.
 Fish and other livestock are packaged safely in thick, styrofoam containers for the trip to the store.
 Then, they are released into the tank, and are there for you to purchase.

When the large pet superstores came into existence, their presence somewhat hurt private wholesalers' and pet stores' businesses, but the hardiest establishments, like TFD, survived.
 Fishkeeping is a labor of love, because there is emphasis on making sure the fish are healthy and well fed, as well as keeping the customers happy and well supplied.
 The creatures are shipped out on a frequent basis, to get them in good homes as quickly as possible.
 When you see different tropical fish in pet stores, realize that many of them came from very far away, with the help of a chain of people (truckers, stockers, clerks, biologists and others) who made sure the fish arrive to you in healthy condition.
 They cannot be put together once at the warehouse, so they are kept each in their own individual cup, that must be cleaned frequently.
 Enjoy your goldfish, cichlids, angelfish and marine corals as you realize that it took a lot of miles traveled, and manpower to bring them to your home aquarium by people who truly do care.


What Are Bottom Water Tropical Fish

"What Are Bottom Water Tropical Fish?","  It's not that they can't swim into the upper regions, they will when spurred by a fish that pesters them, or just for the sake of a quick dash around the tank.

Tropical fish that prefer the bottom of the tank, usually eat algae that grows there, as well as leftover food that falls on the substrate or the broad leaves of some plants.
  But this is not always a sufficient diet, and they need to be given food that comes in a form or shape specifically designed to reach, and appeal to the bottom feeder.
  The bottom feeders can then browse at their leisure, returning later to clean up the remains.
  Those tropical fish that hang around the bottom tend to be ""grazers"", and not the gulpers that you'll find dashing for the surface when they see you coming.
  There are also algae eaters, Botia, Corys, Knifefish and the more unusual specimens like Goby and Needle Nose.


Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Setting Up a Saltwater Aquarium - Aquacultured Live Rock

"Setting Up a Saltwater Aquarium - Aquacultured Live Rock"," You, as the saltwater aquarist, have the opportunity to introduce ""live rocks"" into your saltwater aquarium, which bring a natural feel to your saltwater aquarium.
 These ""rocks can contain life in the form of coral, crustaceans, algae, and many others.
 These live rocks contain life in the same way that you would find life on the surface of rocks taken from the wild.
 These rocks are raised to contain the life that you find on them now.
 Therefore aquacultured rocks are ""grown"" in the same type of environment but in very eco-friendly ways.
 As time progresses the natural inhabitants in the ocean environment begin to dwell within the implanted rock.
 When the proper time comes these implanted rocks are harvested.
 This process takes dead material and harmful bacteria off of the ""live rock"" so when it is introduced into a saltwater aquarium it will not harm the system.
 Each of these creatures creates an even more natural environment for your saltwater aquarium.
 The flora and fauna contained within aquacultured rocks are mostly filter feeders which strain the saltwater within your aquarium and remove excess food and pollutants.
 They can however, prove to be an incredible natural monitoring system for the health of your saltwater aquarium.
 In particular, if the algae on an aquacultured ""live rock"" grows significantly, you can be almost certain that you have high nitrate levels within your system.


Friday, 9 November 2012

Caring For a Goldfish in a Tropical Fish Tank

"Caring For a Goldfish in a Tropical Fish Tank"," As with any new hobby, especially one that involves living creatures, always consider the maintenance that will be involved.
 Goldfish have a life expectancy of five to ten years.
 Be sure to feed them appropriately and keep their water fresh and clear.
 If you are going to set gravel on the floor, you may want to put only a slim layer.
 Make certain that you wash the gravel totally beforehand placing it in the floor of the aquarium.
 Make sure that you clean them well before putting them into the tropical fish tank.
 Provide them a place or two to hide, and that ought to do nicely.
 You will need to use a dechlorinator, as the chlorine in tap water is fatal to fish.
 Exchange it as often as recommended to keep your fish healthy.
 They are quite comfortable in temperatures from 68 to 80 degrees.
 You might wish to let the filter run in the new goldfish tank for a day or so to filter out any chemicals or dyes that might have been left on the gravel and decorations that you just added.
 Fish excrete ammonia.
 As the water in your Goldfish tank ages, it builds up beneficial bacteria that turn hurtful chemicals excreted by the fish into harmless ones.
 Begin with a single fish.
 Since your tropical fish tank is brand new, you might want to consider making partial water changes of about 25 per cent of the total water volume every few days for the first week or so.
 Make sure to buy some when you purchase your first fish.
 Especially at first.
 Keep this to a least amount.
 Feed only as much as they will eat in two to three minutes twice a day, or as recommended on the Goldfish food label.
 This will cause surplus build up of toxic chemicals and can kill your fish quickly.
 This is a normal process and should clear up in a few days.
 Clear water will show that the nitrogen cycle is working and that the toxic chemicals are being converted to good ones.
 Don't overcrowd the aquarium if you would like to keep healthy fish.



Monday, 5 November 2012

One Critical Step When Adding Tropical Fish To Your Freshwater Tank!

"One Critical Step When Adding Tropical Fish To Your Freshwater Tank!"," Maybe you would just like to add a few more tropical beauties to your existing tank.
 When adding new tropical fish to your tank, it is important to acclimate your fish first or problems may occur.

Tropical fish are wonderful additions to any aquarium, but they are also quite fragile.
 If you don't take the right steps which allow them to adjust, you may find that they fail to thrive or even die.
 How can you go about it? First, you need to ignore improper advice from well-meaning staff at the store! You may have been told when you purchased your fish, all you need to do is float their bag in the tank for about fifteen minutes.
 This advice is dangerously wrong, and can end up giving you negative results! All it will do is bring the different temperatures of the water in the bag and tank closer together.

What is the right way to acclimate your new fish? The key to remember is not only does the temperature of the water need to be similar, but its chemistry as well.
 This should include the nitrate and nitrite, ammonia and pH levels.
 The greater the difference in the values between the two sources of water, the longer you will have to acclimate your new tropical fish.
 It is both easy and effective, so this is an excellent choice! The first step is to get your fish home as quickly as possible, to avoid letting ammonia build up in the water.
 Then, replace this water with an equal amount from your aquarium.
 This will bring the temperatures together slowly, and let your new fish get used to their new aquatic environment.
 However, be sure not to dump any water from the bag into your tank! It can contain harmful parasites or diseases which were in the tanks at the store.

The second method is very similar, except that you add a clean bucket as well.
 Why is this a better approach? It ensures that no water from the bag leaks out into your tank, infecting your other fish or aquatic creatures within.

The last choice you can use for acclimating your fish is the drip method.
 However, you can use it for freshwater tropical fish as well, though it is a bit more complicated.
 Put one end of the tube in your aquarium and then clip it to the side of the tank.
 Once you get the suction going, your tube will have water flowing from the other end.
 Place the dripping end into the bag of water, and you're finished! You simply need to wait about an hour, to allow enough tank water to mix into the bag and acclimate your fish.
 With differences in pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate amounts, suddenly dumping them in can cause a shock to their system! Think of it like slowly introducing a new student at school - you don't ask them to speak in front of the class on the first day.

Giving your tropical fish time to acclimate is a critical step, one which will produce great results for you.
 So, be sure when you bring that new brightly colored fish home next time, that you use one of these methods.


Sunday, 30 September 2012

Pest Profile: Mosquitoes

"Pest Profile: Mosquitoes"," Suddenly, you're swarmed by tiny vampires, and you can't run inside quickly enough.
 It doesn't have to be that way: you can live mosquito free all summer long with a little help from your professional exterminator.
 Adult mosquitoes of both genders feed on nectar and plant juices.
 The eggs hatch into larvae, which feed on decaying material in the water they live in.
 Adult mosquitoes generally live close to the ground, leaving only to feed and breed.

Why They're Pests

The females of many mosquito species require the nutrients found in blood to be able to produce eggs.
 Because they are such determined and skilled blood hunters, mosquitoes seem to just beeline for us when we step outside.

What Diseases and Parasites Do They Carry?

Among the diseases and parasites mosquitoes carry are:
West Nile Virus
Yellow Fever
Dengue Fever

These are not the only diseases mosquitoes carry that can infect humans, just the worst.
 In addition to infecting humans, mosquitoes can also infect animals with some of the above mentioned diseases.

Mosquito Prevention

There are a few things that homeowners can do to ensure that they won't have a mosquito problem in their yard.
 Seek out any stagnant water, even small puddles, and drain it.
 In addition to removing breeding grounds, have a consultation with a professional exterminator about prevention methods and strategic applications that can be made be a licensed professional to reduce mosquito populations.


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Saturday, 15 September 2012

Aquaculture Profile - Bubble Tip Anemone

"Aquaculture Profile - Bubble Tip Anemone"," Its scientific name is Entacmaea Quadricolor, but it also goes by the name bulb anemone, rose bubble tip anemone, green bubble tip anemone or just bubble tip anemone.
 The bubble tip anemones comes in a variety of color morphs including but not limited to, brown, green, red and pink.
In the aquarium, the bubble tip anemone is one of the easier anemones to keep.
Water Flow - BTA's should have enough flow to constantly move there tentacles.
 It is very important to protect your anemone from powerheads and overflows, as they can find there way into the tightest of places.
 Anemones like a little bit of nitrate in the water, say around 10ppm, but not too much more than that.
026 specific gravity.
 This is really important, you need to provide the BTA with a place to hide out when it wants, if you do this, the anemone will usually reward you with being open most of the time.
 With time they will adapt to their new lighting, but it can take a couple of weeks for an anemone to fully acclimate, do not try to interfere with the anemones placement, they have a mind of there own.
 Anemones obtain most of there nutrients from eating pieces of fish or shrimp.
 Nothing will make your anemone thrive more than regular weekly feedings, some times 2 feedings per week.
 If you would like to improve your odds even further, buy an aquacultured bubble tip anemone.
Bubble tip anemones commonly reproduce in the aquarium by means of asexual reproduction.
 The clones will usually heal in about 2 weeks.
 The cut must be made precisely through the mouth and foot.
 Under Ideal conditions with a perfectly healthy bubble tip anemone, they can be cloned every 4-6 weeks.
This is the first in a series of articles that will highlight marine species and there sustainability in the decorative marine aquaculture industry.

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Wednesday, 12 September 2012

"How Much Will a Saltwater Aquarium Cost to Setup? The Cost of Setting Up Saltwater Tanks Examined",

"How Much Will a Saltwater Aquarium Cost to Setup? The Cost of Setting Up Saltwater Tanks Examined"," Most people think that it will take a lot of money and this keeps them away from the hobby.

How Much Will a Saltwater Aquarium Cost To Setup

While figuring out your marine aquarium setup to the penny would be pretty tough you can get a very close estimate of  the overall cost by using a cost per gallon factor.

If you are setting up a reef aquarium the added equipment can drive this number to around $35 per tank gallon.

The above prices will give you a good estimate and should get you a tank that is completely set up ready to go with a basic fish or two.

How Much To Maintain My Saltwater Aquarium

The cost involved to take care of marine aquariums will be different for each tank.
50-$1 per tank gallon to run and maintain.
50-$2 per tank gallon in operating and maintenance costs each month.


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Tips For Setting Up a Saltwater Aquarium the Right Way So Your Marine Fish Thrive

"Tips For Setting Up asaltwater Aquarium the Right Way So Your Marine Fish Thrive"," But with the right advice and information setting up a saltwater aquarium can be a enjoyable and easy task.

Important Planning Tips For New Saltwater Tanks

Research the fish you think you will want to keep in your system before you buy your tank.

After you know what kind of saltwater fish you want to keep see how much space you have in your home for your new saltwater tank and also how much money you have to spend on the system.

Buy the largest tank you can afford and comfortably fit in your home.
 You will also have more fish choices available with a larger tank then you would with a smaller system.
 Do not try and cut corners here because inferior products or undersized filter units will lead to algae, dead fish and more money being spent to correct the problem in the future.
 And for very large tanks over 75 gallons a sump style filter maybe needed to properly filter your water and keep your marine fish healthy.


Saltwater Aquarium Care - Hidden Dangers to Avoid When Doing Saltwater Aquarium Maintenance

"Saltwater Aquarium Care - Hidden Dangers to Avoid When Doing Saltwater Aquarium Maintenance"," But what many people do not realize is that there are dangers that you must avoid when doing saltwater aquarium maintenance.
 While all of these items are designed to not transmit electricity into the water nothing is 100%.

Bacterial Danger- A saltwater aquarium is full of bacteria, some is harmless and useful to the tank.
 To avoid coming into contact with the bacteria always use rubber gloves when doing your aquarium maintenance and always wash your hands with anti bacterial soap and hot water after cleaning your salt water tank.
 To avoid this danger use caution when doing performing saltwater aquarium care if your tank houses aggressive fish like trigger fish or venomous fish like lion fish.
 Or you can make a plastic tank divider to keep them away from the side of the aquarium yo are working on.
 These types of  decorations have very sharp edges that can cut you very easily.



Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Bristlenose Pleco

"A Bristlenose Pleco Profile"," Therefore if you feel you'd like to get to the bottom of how it all fits together and how best to look after these extraordinary fish then please read on.
 Interestingly the name Bristlenose Pleco is not the only common name that they are known as.

Therefore if you are new to the world of Bristlenose then be careful as the name Pleco can also be applied to many other genera of Catfish outside the genus Ancistrus, as well.

The next important point to understand is that the most common species within the genus is A.
 The Common Bristlenose is normally identified by it's brown color with lighter colored spots but it's also important to know that there is also an albino color variation as well.

 cirrhosus or it could be referring to the real A.
 Therefore look for clarification when you do see this name.
 Many members of the Catfish family, Loricariidae of which Ancistrus species are a member are allocated what is called an L Number.
 You may also find that some species have more than one L Number due to being named in different locations which can also lead to some confusion.

So as you can see the naming of the Bristlenose Pleco can be a little confusing but luckily for the enthusiast their ease of care is much simpler.
 These conditions replicate those of many other fish as well and as such the Bristlenose is well suited to be kept with many different types of freshwater fish.
 Therefore you would think that feeding would be pretty straight forward as well and in many respects it is.
 They do like some added vegetables as well.
 Also add the occasional algae wafer and meat based food and they will be extremely happy.

So now hopefully you'll understand what is being referred to when the many different terminologies are used to describe the Bristlensoe Pleco.


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Bamboo Shrimp

"Bamboo Shrimp Species Profile"," They come from the family Atyidae and are ""distributed throughout South East Asia"".
 It is not recommended that they be placed in newly set up tank but in more mature tank of at least 20 gallons.

The Bamboo shrimp is fairly easy to care for and will perch on driftwood or plants near the areas of highest flow in order to filter feed off the micro organisms.
 Specialized foods may include Shirakura Chi Ebi or Borneo Wild Bebi **Others TBA**

Physical Description: Typically these shrimp have a white or cream colour base with stripes down running lengthwise over the body.
 When kept in groups they may turn a bright pink-red colour.

Breeding: **no information available as of yet about breeding in captivity** See comment below by RTR

General Comments: Fan shrimp are filter feeders.
 They use these fronds to collect micro organisms from the water column.
 It is suggested that driftwood and taller plants be placed near these area in order for the Fan Shrimp to perch and feed.
 It is advised that, should this be the case, it is possible that they will damage the fronds used to skim the water of the microorganisms.

[So far as I know],the entire group develops as planktonic larvae in SW, so are expected to be difficult to breed in captivity.
 All these critters (along with certain snails) are a major challenge for the interested breeder, but not at all impossible.
 Commercially its completely impractical.

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Sunday, 15 July 2012

Beginner Saltwater Aquarium Setup - Planning Tips For a New Marine Aquarium

"Beginner Saltwater Aquarium Setup - Planning Tips For a New Marine Aquarium"," Well relax because this article will briefly cover what is needed to set up a new marine aquarium as a beginner.
 Take into consideration, your budget, and the room you have in your house.
 This range will give you a stable tank but it will not be so big that its overwhelming to care for.
 Saltwater fish are much different then freshwater varieties, putting the wrong fish together could result in constant fighting or worse yet one of the fish could eat the rest.
 Once you have decided on some fish that seem interesting to you do some more research and eliminate the ones that will not fit in your tank, are to hard to care for and ones that may not fit with your other choices.
 If this is a simple fish only tank then you can look at canister and hang on type filters.

Next you must decide how your beginner saltwater aquarium setup is going to be decorated.

If you are not sure the best thing you can do is make a trip to a fish store in your area and look at their marine aquarium setups and see what you like.


Monday, 2 July 2012

Outdoors,Fishing and Boats

A lot of Americans are very fond of trout fishing and are currently on the look-out for strategies that they can use in order to catch more fish. A lot of different kinds of trout, mainly those belonging to the freshwater group, reside in rivers which is why this would be an ideal place to go trout fishing. Trout fishing is like any other activity, it requires a certain set of elements to be present in order for it to turn out well, and you can make this happen by following these simple steps:

Trout fishing is an outlet for different things for different people. A lot of them consider this type of excursion as a time to get in touch with their surroundings, a time to take a load off. It can also be a leisure activity for many people, because they are fond of eating this type of fish. However, capturing a trout is a other story, as all the elements of fishing must be executed.

If you want to be able to successfully catch trout, be conscious of the way they move during different periods, so that it will be easier for you to capture them. Of course, to be able to find out the best approach when catching trout, you must familiarize yourself with the place you are fishing in. A guide would be ideal if you've never tried trout fishing before, because this person will be able to help with the basics.

The necessary items to be used for this activity, like the hooks and rods for example, vary. Always remember to take only the equipment that you absolutely need, as it will be a burden for you to carry around many unnecessary tools when fishing. Now the equipment you are going to use must be of good quality, so that accidents or other mishaps can be avoided.

In deciding what to wear, dress accordingly to the weather and place that you are in. They say that in trout fishing, it helps to go unnoticed, and in a way sort of be camouflage to your surroundings.

Any experienced trout fisher will tell you that catching trout is no walk in the park, and one must be persistent but at the same time know how to keep their composure while fishing. Once you've set up everything, try to make as little noise or none at all if possible, so as not to scare the fish away. You may need to bring along a license to fish in some places, as there are areas that follow a set of strict rules and regulations which you should also abide by.

Keywords:  Trout Fishing,fishing,fishing basics,Trout Fishing basics, boats

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Sunday, 1 July 2012

Figures Show Exotic Animals For Sale At An All Time High

Hyenas, foxes, and snakes are considered to be exotic. These are not usually taken as pets but today, giving them a place in the households is quite a norm. Because of this, the number of exotic animal for sale hits at an all time high these days.

Approximately around 7,000 tigers are kept as pets, more than the number living in the wild. Also, more than 10,000 primates like monkeys and raccoons are being domesticated by some Americans. Most of these are already endangered.

Because there are no strong restrictions coming from the government, buying and selling of them have increased. Adding to that fact is the increasing interest people have in purchasing these rare species. But then again, possession of these unusual pets is discouraged and even prohibited in some areas.

Opposing reactions from different groups were observed when the idea of having them domesticated began. From the scientific and humanities point of view, having them at home should never be encouraged. Owners, on the other hand, approve of this.

It is a fact that the wild is where they naturally live. Some concerned citizens debate that if you take something out of its natural habitat, you are interfering with nature. This particular pet owners are aware of this which is why they are trying to make the animals' place in their homes as close as what it is really like in the real world.

Certain health risks to people have become the concerns of scientists. Research suggests that some carry disease-causing microorganisms that maybe transmitted to humans. Monkeys are known to be carriers of Ebola virus. But with proper care and keeping the animals' health in check, this concern may be avoided.

In addition to that, pet owners favor the unusual ones because some only need little space to stay and do not require much attention. These species are also best for people who have allergies. This is also best for people who do not want a longer relationship with the animals.

As the demand increases, so does the exotic animal for sale. It only shows that people want to prove that they can be responsible pet owners. Exotic or not, animals require a certain level of attention

keywords:exotic animal for sale,pets,animals,dogs,cats,home,family

Friday, 29 June 2012

Aquacultured Live Rocks - Saltwater Aquarium

"Aquacultured Live Rocks - Saltwater Aquarium"," Including aqaucultured live rocks in your saltwater aquarium will not only improve the ascetics and natural look of your habitat, but they also improve your water quality.
 The marine life contained within the live rocks filter many pollutants out of the water and help to keep nitrate levels in check.

Algae: There are many different kinds of algae that one may find.
 Algae also provide a saltwater aquarium with natural nitrate removal.
 They come in a number of different shapes, sizes and colors.

Coral: Live rocks may be covered with many different species of corals which all coexist on one rock.
 These filter feeders survive on plankton and other forms of microscopic food.

Crustaceans: Crustaceans come in many different forms, some of which are not welcomed guests in a home aquarium environment.
 These invertebrates act as a cleaning agent within a saltwater aquarium and can remove excess food and unwanted algae from aquacultured live rocks.
 These bottom dwellers scavenge and eat much of the leftovers which make it to your aquarium floor.
 These unique creatures will add a lot of life to a saltwater aquarium.
 They are also known as sea fans.

Mollusk: Most of us know mollusks as clams, muscles, oysters and the like.

Snails: Sea snails do a wonderful job of cleaning up unwanted algae in a saltwater aquarium.

Sponges: Your rock may come with a sea sponge.
 They require a great deal of nutrients which they can find in a natural environment because of consistent nutrition circulation.
 They come in a number of different shapes, sizes, and colors and need a good amount of nutrients to be maintained.

Keywords: Mollusk, snails, sponges, crustaceans, coral, aquacultured rock, algae, sea sponge, saltwater aquarium, marine life




Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Essential Tips On Growing Freshwater Aquarium Plants

Having an aquarium is a good way to beautify a home. It does not only add to the beauty of a home, but it also releases your stress from a long day of work. Aquariums have different sizes and designs, but what make them really beautiful are the fishes and the freshwater aquarium plants that you put inside them. There are different plants that you can choose from for your aquarium but the kind of plant you will be growing will depend on the size of your fish tank and the kind of environment you want to create for your fish tank.

Since there are different varieties of freshwater aquarium plants, you must select the ones which best suit your aquarium and the fishes living in it. There are plants which are leafy and plants which are mainly a moss. There are also plants that serve as food for your fishes. Plants are very advantageous for your pets since they provide oxygen, a place where the fishes can hide and something for them to eat.

Before planting your freshwater plants, it is suggested to make a plan so that the arrangement of the plants in your tank will be exactly as how you plan it to be. You also have to take into consideration the ratio of reproduction and the rate of growth of the plants you bought. Basically you need to keep the larger plants in the background and the smaller ones in the foreground.

Just like plants in land, when you plan to grow freshwater plants you must have fertilizers. Before planting the plants you have purchased to your fish tank, you need to test first the pH and dH level of the water. To do this you need to have a kit which is offered in most fish stores. The ideal dH level of the water is between 4.5 to 12.5, and the right pH level that suits your plants is between 7 and 8. It is also important to see that the water in your fish tank is lucid.

Another thing you need to consider is the supply of sunlight. Plants need photosynthesis to make food on their own, and without adequate amount of sunlight your plants will not grow well. With the proper amount of sunlight and fertilizer, you are able to give your freshwater aquarium plants the right nutrients that they need to grow properly. Sometimes you need to get micro nutrients which you can add to your aquarium to keep the plants and the fishes healthier.


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Fishing Charters A Priority For Most Anglers

Anglers around the world recognize that Key West fishing charters have iconic status. They come to the Keys because sun, water, and fish are all in long supply throughout the year. Importantly, the colorful cast of locals adds to the experience since they always have interesting stories to help idle away the hours.

Key West is a small island just three kilometers wide and six kilometers long. It has a strategic location being at the southernmost tip of Florida with a deep harbor near the junction where the warm, shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico meet the chillier waters of Atlantic Ocean.

Sporting anglers have an amazing large range of options. Around the reefs, they can chase snapper, grouper and cobia. Snapper are a particularly popular target since they make good eating.

The sandy, shallow water flats are the natural habitat for bonefish, tarpon and permit. These species are fast, agile and tenacious fighters. They always provide a challenge, even for experienced anglers.

One point worth emphasizing is the conch (pronounced konk), are tightly regulated. Diving for them, or even just picking them off the sea bottom by hand without a permit is illegal throughout the Keys. They are a favourite food in the region but need to be prepared with care. The meat is tough but it can be cut into strips, pounded and then diced into small pieces. The locals consider them somewhat of a gourmet delicacy.

In short, key west fishing charters are unlikely to disappoint fishing enthusiasts wanting to test their mettle. There are plenty of fish around in the Keys. However, on those rare occasions when the fish are not biting, there is no shortage of things to enjoy on the water. Scuba diving and snorkeling are two favorites. Bottlenose dolphins are prolific and swimming and watching these intelligent creatures is always a privilege. The reefs and shoals are a magnet for tropical fish; their number and range is unbelievably large. It is easy to be mesmerized for hours while watching and studying the different species.

keywords: keywest fishing charters, keywest fishing, fishing, florida fishing, keywest, florida

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Fly Fishing

Fly Fishing has been around for ages. Even in medieval times people fished for their food. The sport evolved over the years to become one that requires great skills. Ask any fly fisherman and he will tell you just how addictive it can become.

There are many forms of fishing but fly fishing stands alone for many reasons. Firstly, they use baits and lures to entice a fish but in fly fishing you will need to imitate the action of a real fly to be any good. For that reason we use longer lines, which allows us to imitate the movement of a real fly.

Fly fishing has a constant cast. You cast the fly and then pull it back a number of times to imitate a fly landing and taking off again. In other forms of fishing you cast out and let it rest until a fish takes your bait.

I am not going to deny that all forms of fishing are fun and extremely rewarding but fly fishing is where my heart is.

Fly fishing flies are made from natural materials while other forms of fishing use man made plastics and rubber. Your seasoned fly angler would tell you that the fish are much more likely to go for a naturally made bait and hence why they love it so much.

Of course with other forms of fishing you can simply visit your local pond or river but when fly fishing you will get the best results by traveling to the place where fish such as walleye, bass and trout live. Then it is your job to fool the fish in to believing your fly is real!

You can go all over the World fly fishing. Russia, Mexico and South America, for instance and let's not forget Alaska or Canada. Now, you have to agree that when it comes to an adventure that beats a quick visit to your local pond!

As Chess is often said to be "The King of Sports" it is also often said that fly fishing could make the same boast. Try it, you'll fall in love, hook, line and fly! Corny, I know! I'm an angler not a comedian!

keys: fly fishing, fly fishing tips, fly fishing for beginners, fly fishing knots, fly fishing basics, fly fishing casting, fly fishing knot, fly fishing reel

TedsWoodworking Plans and Projects

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Different Boats Used In Bass Fishing In Orlando

Most people that do bass fishing in Orlando have different types of fishing boats. There is a need to know exactly what the different types have to offer before you think of purchasing one. Price and material are the main characteristics that are used to classify the boats.

As far as cost is concerned, fiberglass boats are the most expensive. They are so called thanks to the hulls that are made from fiber glass. The problem with this is that fiber glass is not too durable. The material is usually heavier than both aluminum and plastic.

The additional facilities that these boats have make them a delight for many fishermen. They typically have a neat cover that can be sued to conceal ones stuff especially when it begins raining. The only thing that might be a limiting factor is that these designs are quite costly.

Aluminum boats are also quite common in this region. They are loved sine they are cheaper than the fiber-glass ones and they are also much lighter. It is easy to transport them since a small trailer can be attached on the back of the car and it easily tags along.

Fiber glass is expensive to repair in the event of a breakage. However, if your aluminum vessel encounters some accident, you can use a hammer to cover up the holes and you will be good to go. The affordable maintenance costs are probably why more fishermen choose it.

Another Bass Fishing in Orlando boat option is the plastic model. Plastic is cheap material so needless to say, it makes the most affordable vessels. In addition to this, plastic is remarkably light which means it is very easy to transport. In fact, you can haul then using a pickup truck or you can attach a small trailer to your salon car and pull them along. Another important advantage is that plastic bounces over hurdles which make it great for avoiding mishaps.

The easiest way to Have a Notable Fishing Trip

There are specific days in the year when a few individuals just have to pack their bags and go fishing. Although a few of the people will claim that fishing is amoug one of the laziest activities you might do on vacations, it is really for those that actually need to enjoy a peaceful holiday as well as learn all about the mysteries of sea. Fishing is by all possible means fun and rousing. Who can forget that urge to catch the biggest fish that you can later enjoy eating back on land by the beach, while watching the nightfall with your acquaintances and family. 

Some of the very necessary tools and fishing equipment that you're going to need to enjoy your trip are given below.

Live bait and frozen bait: Bait is among the most important things to bring when you go fishing. It\'s essential that you take a large stock of live as well as frozen bait with you. A good stock of bait will attract more fish and you'll get more pleasure out of your trip. Certain fish also like particular sorts of bait, so having a large range means that you can choose to target your specific type of fish.

Sleeping bags and tents: If you are planning to spend a weekend by the sea side the following necessary things to bring are your sleeping bag and a tent. Both these will help to guard you from the varying and fickle weather of beach. Take the right amount of tents and sleeping bags according to the number of folks you are taking on the trip.

Cooking equipments and gas equipments: After you've caught your fish you will most definitely be hungry. To cook it you'll need gas (make sure you remember about exchanging and re-filling gas bottles before you leave) and other cooking equipment. This way you can enjoy your tasty meal and the sunset as the water softly laps at the shores.

Coffee Shop Millionaire

The best utilization of vacation is finding something valuable to do and getting the most out of the experience. This is the offer that Kissimmee bass fishing guides are ready to extend and on top of it the benefits of experience. You find value touring the region with them to land at specific sites with incredible rewards in trophy fishing.

You enjoy a comprehensive package that involves among other things picking you up from the hotel you are booked. What follows is a once in a lifetime tour through the lakes that spread like a well laid chain. Only some lakes are rewarding for trophy fishing which makes it necessary enlist the services of an experienced and resourceful person.

The package also includes live baits that will have fish scrambling for your hook. This will build your memories and ensure that the experience and photos you carry home will always remind to return. This is why contact is important from planning so that you know the right things to bring along.

Only the seasoned and well versed guide has the knowledge of the seasonal landscape and how the fish population behaves. You find trust written on every encounter and reliability forming the principle engagement criteria. It is worth noting that no referral have registered disappointment with exceeded expectations in all cases.

Contacts are available online and reservations can be done at your convenience with a guarantee of satisfaction beyond measure. New tricks are taught that make the trip both enjoyable and exiting. Seasonal offers are available and discount for loyalty clients both individuals and those on company get away.

kissimmee bass fishing guides operate both day and night during all seasons and have the interest of your happiness at heart. This comes to you at affordable rates regardless of the level of enjoyment. You will appreciate the place of experience in delivering the best from a region that is years old.

Friday, 22 June 2012

Types of Aquarium Filters - Examining Saltwater Aquarium Filtration Systems

"Types of Aquarium Filters - Examining Saltwater Aquarium Filtration Systems"," An undersized aquarium filter can lead to alot of problems including algae, sick fish and constant problems in the tank.

Types Of Saltwater Aquarium Filtration You Can Use

Hang On Tank- This type of filter hangs on the back of saltwater tanks and uses filter pads to remove debris from the water.
 These filters offer lower flow and there fore should be used on saltwater aquariums nor more then 35 gallons in volume.
 It is basically a pressurized canister that water is forced through and cleaned.
 They come in many sizes and can be used on saltwater tanks up to 180 gallons.

Sump Type Filters-  Often referred to as wet dry filters this is the most expensive and also the most advanced type of saltwater aquarium filtration systems that you can use.
 The filter resembles another aquarium but often has areas for biological filtration, chemical filtration and other equipment like heaters and protein skimmers.
 this type of filtration system can be used on any size tank and is often found on large custom saltwater aquariums.

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Starting a Saltwater Fish Aquarium - You Must Read This Saltwater Aquarium Advice

"Starting a Saltwater Fish Aquarium - You Must Read This Saltwater Aquarium Advice"," While the things that a new tank keeper can do wrong is long there is a few common things that most people do that could jeopardize their saltwater fish but are very easy to avoid with some good saltwater aquarium advice.
 This will surely lead to disaster because the tanks nitrifying bacteria has not yet reached high enough levels to neutralize toxic ammonia in the tank.
 If you are using cured  liverock in your tank (which you should be) you can add a fish after a few days.

To make the wait between fish seem shorter buy a good saltwater aquarium guide and study up on some fish you like and narrow down your choices to your favorites.
 While this may make you feel good it is stressing your fish out badly.
 So by letting your tank be and letting your saltwater fish adjust to their new home you will increase your chances at success.
 They will be more tolerant of problems with water quality and often will eat most prepared foods.



Critical Saltwater Aquarium Advice For Keeping Successful Saltwater Fish Aquariums

"Critical Saltwater Aquarium Advice For Keeping Successful Saltwater Fish Aquariums"," But there are a few common things that new tank owners do wrong  to make matters worse.
  The new marine aquarium has a process in place that will naturally make you slow down, this is called the nitrogen cycle.

After adding your first new saltwater fish you must not give into temptation and add to many fish at one time.
 Instead wait about 3 weeks between each fish and you should be safe.
 This adds a lot of stress to the lives of your saltwater fish and can lead to disease or stress related death.

Stick With Easy Fish

Some good saltwater aquarium advice for keepers of new marine aquariums is to try and stick with the easier and more hardy marine species.

A good saltwater aquarium guide should be able to help you with a list of suitable beginner fish for new saltwater fish aquariums.


How To Successfully Switch From Freshwater To Saltwater Aquarium

"How To Successfully Switch From Freshwater To Saltwater Aquarium"," There are a greater variety of fish that can be kept in a saltwater aquarium as also plants and coral too.
 Many people would love to have a saltwater aquarium but the myths of switching from fresh to saltwater dissuades them from doing so.
 Most of the equipment is the same with just a few exceptions to the rule.
 Saltwater aquarium fish prefer a substrate composed of live sand and a lot of crushed coral as opposed to the gravel that freshwater fish are used to.
 Remember that the water filtering system works on the principle of circulating water through the tank.

Lighting in the saltwater tank is of importance only if you are planning to add plants and coral to the tank.
 A common mistake many aquarium enthusiasts make while converting from freshwater to saltwater is to add a little table salt to the water.
 This will kill the coral and plants as well as the fish.

When you transit from a freshwater tank to a salt water tank go to the pet store and get some substrate from the saltwater tanks there.
 the salinity must read between 1.

You must also remember that saltwater causes a lot of rusting to occur in the tank and do you should be ready to regularly clean out tank equipment at least twice a month.

Feeding saltwater fish is very different from feeding freshwater fish.
 Never keep frozen food in your freezer for more than 3 months.
 It might sound like a lot of work to maintain a saltwater aquarium, however, once you are there you will discover that the joys are many and the work is not too much.


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Saltwater Aquariums And The Challenge To Maintain Them

"Saltwater Aquariums And The Challenge To Maintain Them"," This is due to saltwater aquariums supporting a more complex ecosystem, which need more patience and expertise to master.

Some saltwater aquariums need separate provisions for lighting, hood and stand.
 Many of the most popular saltwater aquariums will have a capacity ranging from 30 gallons up to 60 gallons.

However, it is wise to keep in mind that the smaller tanks tend to require more maintenance and care.

One of the key factors in the maintaining of a saltwater aquarium is the necessity to ensure the proper environmental conditions.
 Other points to monitor include the PH level, alkalinity and the oxygen levels.
020 and 1.

It is advisable to add living rock into your saltwater aquarium.
 Detrivores feed on any biological waste thus maintaining the necessary ecological balance.
 Bristle worms also act as scavengers and are totally harmless.
 With the development in new filters it is gradually becoming easier to maintain salt water aquariums.
 Hang-on filters are able to assist in the chemical and mechanical filtration whereas refugium helps in biological filtration.
 It is advisable to have some sort of experience before setting one up.

Darren Lintern is the author and owner of Aquarium Supplies World.
aquarium supplies world.
php], Gravel, Heaters, Lights and other Aquarium supplies for a vibrant thriving Aquarium.



Questions Asked About Saltwater Aquariums

"Questions Asked About Saltwater Aquariums"," If you want to put one of these in your home or business, you probably have a lot of questions about owning one of these aquariums.

 Actually it is about the same effort as keeping a freshwater aquarium.
 The really only thing different is you need to do a specific gravity test to measure the salt content of the water.
 Will it take a lot of time to maintain the tank?

Actually the most time is needed in setting up the aquarium.
 Time will depend on the tank size and your experience level.
 Is it expensive to develop an aquarium like this?

Saltwater aquariums are a little more pricier than freshwater aquariums.

 The tank needs to be away from any windows to prevent the sunlight from producing algae and altering the waters temperature.

If this is your first tank it is best to get a large tank.

Fish Only - This is the easiest saltwater tank to keep.

Fish Only With Live Rock (FOWLR) - Live rock aquariums have rock that have bacteria and microorganisms that provide a beneficial benefit to your aquarium.

Reef Aquariums - Are similar to FOWLR but are more difficult to keep because they contain live coral that is difficult to keep.



Saltwater Aquarium Kits in Detail

"Saltwater Aquarium Kits in Detail"," This way, you'll know beforehand which aquarium kits are suitable.
 With eclipse systems filter and lights are greatly emphasized as the proper filtration and lighting needs to be properly selected.
 One of these is the Eclipse System 12 Instant Ocean Aquarium Kit, which is an all-in-one aquarium kit.
 Eclipse aquarium systems can be easily installed and maintained, so setting it up wouldn't be too much of a problem at all!

· SeaClear System II Aquarium Combo Systems.
 These systems are comprised of a wet/dry filtration system that's incorporated at the back of the aquarium.
 Their sized could range from 30 to 50 gallons and are also equipped with lighting.
 But the interesting part about it is that it can be improved if you would prefer to include a protein skimmer or additional lighting for corals and invertebrates.
 It's highly suitable for housing sizable fish and invertebrates.
 An ample space is needed since this system's filtration hangs on the back of the aquarium.
 This system also gives the hobbyist the opportunities for more intense lighting, protein skimmer and a water chiller as well.
 If you're planning on putting up a much larger saltwater aquarium or a greater number of smaller species, you could always go for the Super system Aquarium kits.
 It's equipped with a BIO-wheel and can be upgraded to include a protein skimmer, UV sterilizer, ozone reactor, or calcium reactor.
 But before you make a choice, always remember to research what your aquaria needs, the location and the necessary resources that go with it.


Starting a Saltwater Aquarium

"Starting a Saltwater Aquarium - Picking a Saltwater Aquarium"," The truth is that the saltwater aquariums, while acquiring more of an investment, will provide you with a beautiful display of the ocean ecosystem and once in place will be no more difficult to maintain that a freshwater aquarium.
 An important rule to remember is that the bigger your saltwater aquarium is the better, not because of shear size but because a larger tank will be more forgiving when it comes to mistakes.
 It is also important to remember that saltwater fish require more space than freshwater fish.

After choosing your tank size you will be able to make educated decisions concerning the rest of the equipment for your saltwater aquarium.
 You will want to be sure that if you are going to have "live rocks," or rocks that have been transplanted from an ocean environment, you will want a good filtration system.
 Again, a 55 gallon tank is the best size to start with because it will enable you to make some mistakes while still developing your saltwater ecosystem.
 For example, a filtration system may effect the Alkalinity of the water.
 A log will most certainly be a beneficial tool as you begin developing your aquarium.